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Monday, September 7, 2015

Arguments Against Global Warming

Unknown - 11:13 AM
Imagine: the year is somewhere in the future. Man's environment has undergone a dramatic upheaval. Trees are scarce and you can find them in abundance in only carefully maintained sanctuaries. The air is filled with particulate matter. Visibility has greatly diminished. The vast ocean is being pumped and the seawater is being processed in desalination plants. Tigers and lions have become extinct. The Himalayas have lost their snow cover. Antarctica has become a warm continent. Much of Asia and Africa has become uninhabitable because of very hot climate. Cancer and lung diseases are rampant. The weather has become fickle - you don't know what to expect. A cold winter spell is followed by a scorching summer, which will perhaps be followed by torrential rain.
Scary, right?
Global Warming - What is the Hullbulla All About?
From today's perspective, the above scenario may be classified as 'science fiction'. However, it could become our future, brought on by global warming. Global warming is the increase in the temperature of the earth's atmosphere caused by greenhouse gases. A lot has been said and heard about global warming, more so in the last few couple of decades. The proponents of global warning warn that if immediate preventive steps are not taken, global warming will have a disastrous effect on future humankind. The detractors, however, argue that the problem is grossly overestimated. They also argue that the steps to tackle the problem will hinder economic progress.
Some Arguments Against Global Warming
  • It is argued that global warming is a minor issue because of which major issues like HIV/AIDS, Nuclear proliferation and poverty are not being devoted their deserved time and resources.
  • Global warming is even argued to be merely a vested interest of scientists. It is said that scientists exaggerate the effects of global warming because they receive funds from environmental companies.
  • Global warming is believed, also, to be the outcome of failed computer climate models. It is argued that these models are not able to predict even tomorrow's weather accurately, so how can they predict long-term climate change?
  • It is argued that human activities are not the only cause of global warming. There are other factors involved in global warming too.
  • Detractors of global warming also hold that newspapers sensationalize global warming in order to sell. They distort the picture of global warming when actually that it is not as severe an issue as they make it out to be.
  • Detractors also say that since scientists have made wrong predictions before, science and scientists are not always right. Perhaps they have made an error in their calculations or drawn incorrect conclusions on available evidence, thus making global warming a virtual rather than a real problem.
  • Since we don't have long term historical records of the climate that Earth has witnessed, global warming could well be only a hypothesis.
  • It is argued that water vapor plays a major part in global warming. Anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, hydrocarbons and other green-house gases have only a minor role to play. In fact, some people even believe that global warming is a natural phenomenon. Man has no role to play in it. Only our environment is responsible.
  • The data on temperature increase that scientists keep producing as evidence is nothing to worry about because the increase in the temperature has in fact been gradual, spread over more than hundred years. Also, the earth was warmer before. That did not have harmful consequences on humans. Why will it now? In fact people argue that the increase in temperature will help plants grow in currently cold and uninhabitable areas. The increase in the level of carbon dioxide will also stimulate plant growth.
  • Another common argument against global warming is that the upsurge in solar activity has caused global warming, not anthropogenic effects of development.
One realizes that most of the arguments against global warming are factually incorrect or far fetched. People advocating these arguments have a vested interest in activities and industries that contribute to global warming. Unfortunately they are able to sway a section of the population into believing that global warming is not a serious issue. Earnest efforts must be taken to dispel these myths and make the earth a better place to live in.

How to Write a Biography

Unknown - 12:12 AM
There are very few people who know how to tell a story about someone else's life. There are many aspects related to people's lives that are no more than lists or what they said or what they did. Yes, while it all may be true, is it interesting and worth telling to the world? Does it make you want to know more of their side of story? Or does it just make you want to flip to the back of the book and find out how the guy died and move on to another book? That is the difference between a life story and a great biography. If you too are wondering about 'how to write awesome biographies', this  article will prove to be a helpful aide.

What is a Biography
A biography is simply the story of a person's life. There are different types of biographies, short, long or an entire book. Short biographies contain certain basic facts about a person's life, long biographies contain basic information in detail written in form of a short story and biographies turned into a book are detailed, containing step-by-step information of the events in a person's life. The main aim of writing a biography is to explain the different events in a person's life. This may be tragic, comic, mysterious, surprising, etc. It can be about a famous personality or an infamous person. However, biographies tell us all the chronological events in a person's life. They are just like a personal diary or an autobiography. Just told by someone else after speaking to the person or researching about the person in detail.

There are five steps to writing a successful biography. These steps are essential in getting the right information and learning enough about your subject so that in the end, you put the information together in not only an organized manner, but in a way that entices the reader from one moment of the subject's life to the next until they have reached the end of the book before they even know it.

Steps Involved
When writing a biography, you first need to decide the subject on whom you wish to write. Once the subject is decided, collect as much information as possible related to the person. You can go through their letters, newspaper clippings, pictures, library, Internet, meet their friends, family, acquaintances, etc. You need to ask yourself, what makes the person so interesting and different? Highlight questions such as who, what, where, why, how. Seek out details about the person like his/her habits, likes, dislikes, interests and similar aspects. Let us learn how to write a biography on someone by going through the following steps in detail.

Step 1: Questioning
The first step is to find a subject that you wish to write a biography about, since you will be spending a lot of time on this subject you need to choose someone who you already want to know more about and someone who you find very interesting. Then you want to write several questions about their life that not only you might want to know the answers to, but that you think others would want to know the answers to also.

Some example questions might be: how was this life remarkable, terrible, awesome or other adjective you might want to use. What aspects were best for this person or others, he may have interacted with? There are those that have said you can tell a lot about a person by their enemies. Is this also true with this person? Explain, why or why not? Was your subject a hero? What do you feel a hero is? The list of possible questions is endless; however, you only need to select a few to begin with.

Write these questions in a notebook or on a computer where you can leave room for answering the answers.

Step 2: Learning
This can be the best part if your subject is still alive because this is the step that you learn the answers to the questions that you asked in the first step. You can choose to interview the person, read a book or other written material about the person. But somehow, you must learn as much as you can about this person.

Step 3: Put it all together
In this step you combine the answers to the questions in step one. Then you go about and decide what you will keep, what you will throw out and which new information provides new insights into this person or supports your answers or opinion about this subject.

Step 4: Organization
In this step you will organize it in an understandable order. It doesn't necessarily have to be chronological, but it does need to be organized in some order. Take all your information together and tell the story. Put it into paragraphs in the order you have decided upon and use anecdotes and transitions from one stage of the person's life to another.

Step 5: Editing
Editing your work is of the utmost importance; you need to check your spelling, grammar, paragraph organization as well as how your sentences flow from one to another. You also need to make sure that when you read it then you are able feel what you want the reader to feel.

Therefore, the steps in writing a biography are asking questions, learning the answers to your questions, putting the answers with the questions and lastly organizing them in an interesting story and then editing the whole. The editing consists of clarifying your content, organizing the points you wish to make, write so that your voice shows up in your writing, passionate words where you feel passion, sympathetic words where you feel sympathy, help the reader to feel what you feel by using correct vocabulary.

Make sure the sentences flow smoothly and show what you want to express. You can also do this by checking to see that your punctuation is correct and by double checking your grammar and spelling. With these points in mind, try writing an awesome biography about someone who fascinates you.
Read more at Buzzle:

Sunday, September 6, 2015

What Does an Infinity Ring Symbolize?

Unknown - 10:21 AM
Infinity Rings Aren't Eternity Bands!
Most people get confused between the two, often mistaking them to be the same. While the symbolism of both rings is almost the same, the difference lies in their make. Unlike infinity rings where the infinite design stays at the central location, eternity bands have the design throughout the ring, completely encircling the finger.Giving a ring to your love symbolizes a lot in itself! However, these days couples don't just settle for any ring. Gold, in itself, is not unique anymore, diamonds―though fascinating―have become highly common. Now, couples are looking for something beyond aesthetic and monetary value, something that has a deep meaning, a symbolism in the true sense of the word.

Perfectly fitting this requirement is the infinity ring, which, as the name symbolizes, means an infinite relationship with the person to whom you choose to give this ring. With relationships becoming more and more unstable, and promises proving to be futile in the long run, a ring worn with a belief that it will, in a way, remind each other of the commitment and love they have for each other, is truly essential. The following section will give an in-depth understanding of what this ring signifies.

Meaning and Symbolism of an Infinity Ring
The word 'infinity' is derived from the Latin word infinitas, which translates to 'the state of being without finish', or in simple words, something that never ceases to exist. This is one reason why this ring is so popular among lovers, because it reflects that they share a love bond so strong that no matter what comes, it will never break or never cease to exist. If you pay attention to the meaning of the 'infinite' symbol, there are various beliefs associated with the same since time immemorial.

The Number 8 Connection
You must have noticed for sure that this symbol resembles a lot to the number 8. In fact, it is 8, just a little narrower. The number 8 is considered to be extremely auspicious in China. Even in Christianity, it represents resurrection and regeneration. If you observe carefully, it is written in a continual pattern which has no beginning and end. Also, if you pay a close attention to the way we write this number, you will observe that, it begins from the top, goes all the way to the bottom, and comes back to the highest point again. This symbolism also gives infinity rings an interesting meaning―irrespective of the ups and downs in life, there will be no end to this bond, and finally, it will reach the heights of success and love.

The Egyptian Sign
It is believed that the Egyptians were the first one to use the ancient symbol, Ouroboros, which was later used by other cultures as the symbol of infinity. The word is derived from the Greek words, 'oura' meaning tail, and 'boros' meaning eating. Yes, the symbol is nothing but that of a serpent eating its own tail. Serpents are representatives of reincarnation. Their periodic skin-shedding has been viewed by many as a sign of rebirth through death, or to be more specific, a new beginning after an end, which technically means that there is no end at all! The alchemists of the past also considered this to be a sign of unity. Therefore, a ring bearing the infinity sign also reflects unity among the wearers.

The Celtic Association
Who doesn't know the most well-known patterns that symbolize eternity―the Celtic knots! The characteristics of these knots are the same as the infinity symbol, which makes these patterns very popular in jewelry making, especially the ones made for couples. In fact, most of them incorporate the infinity symbol around the famous Claddagh rings, which are the epitome of symbolizing love. Generally, they consist a heart that represents love, and crown that symbolizes loyalty, and two hands holding the heart that represents friendship―the true definition of love, we must say!

If you and your mate share an extremely strong bond, a connection that seems far beyond this life, then this ring is a perfect choice to express your relationship. Also, if you are one of those lucky couples who think that they are 'made for each other' in the true sense of the phrase, and within a few months or years, it seems that you have known each other since time immemorial, there is no better ring to symbolize this. May your love grow and continue to thrive each day, and forever.
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